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Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 7th Symposium on Mediation

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators held their 7th Symposium on Mediation on the 9th October 2014. These events focus very much on new developments and challenges in mediation and raise issues of controversy. I was invited, with others, to cover the 'controversy' spot by presenting on the subject of Online Mediation. Many fascinating views were exchanged but so absorbing was the event this time around that the most captivating views were largely ignored ...being those outside the wall to wall, floor to ceiling, windows of the location at Clifford Chances 30th floor Docklands offices.

Congratulations especially due to Aled Davies for organising the event. The event was professionally videoed so I expect an edited version avaiulable in the near future from A great panel of speakers (see which included Tim Wallis, Dr Pablo Cortes, Mike Lind, Anthony Abrahams, Jo Holland, Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Guisepppe Leone (online from Hawaii), Stephen Anderson, Neil Denny as well as the grandfather and father, respectively, of Online Dispute Resolution, Professor Ethan Katsh and Colin Rule (online from US).

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After over 70 presentations that I have given over recent years on the subject of the role of online technology and dispute resolution, this was the first I was encouraged to give 'TED' style. I hope my am-dram back and forth stage walk didn't put too many people off my subject.

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