ODR in Clinical Negligence
One example of how interest in ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) is beginning to mature is the growing interest in the application of ODR...

Council of Europe Committee Urges Wider Use of ODR
Last week saw the publication of a Report to the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights
 of the Council of Europe on the question of...

New Years Resolutions To Rise?
The 1st October 2015 was quite a momentous day for ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) and ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). Its just a...

Artificial Intelligence Tackles The Law. What Hope For Ned Ludd QC?
If we listened only to the naysayers of this world, we would still be living without:- The aeroplane - "no chance of it ever becoming a...

Legal Protection Industry Looks To ODR
Having been involved in developments in Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) since the end of the last century (doesn't that sound a long time...

The Future of the Courts
On the 14th October 2015, Westminster Legal Policy Forum held a seminar on the future of the courts, the second part to which focused on...

Will UK Gov'ts Late Payment Solution Deliver?
On the 26th July 2015 the UK Government launched a consultation on proposals to establish a Small Business Commissioner to help small...

New Requirements on Retailers to Inform Customers from 1/10/15 of Forms of Alternative Dispute Resol
As from the 1st October 2015 it will be an offence for any business selling goods or services to people buying other than for the purpose...