First Nations Negotiating Online with Smartsettle ONE
The world’s most advanced negotiation support systems, capable of supporting any type of formal negotiation, are built in Canada by iCan...

Major Supreme Court Ruling Extends The Rights to Compensation of Shareholders/ Creditors
A perfect storm for the justice system is about to be made even worse. For over 40 years, a principle of law, as defined by the courts,...

UK Government Financial Support To Aid Development in ODR
The UK’s Ministry of Justice is to provide £2m of funding to help with the development of new systems of online dispute resolution...

Smartsettle Infinity
Smartsettle Infinity is an advanced AI driven ODR product of iCan Systems Inc of Canada and is designed for complex negotiations...

5 Day ABA Conference Goes Fully Online
This week I should have been on my first visit to New Orleans, taking in the end of the jazz festival and joining a panel of speakers ...

🎵"Zoom - Just One Look And My Heart Went Boom!" 🎵
Despite the fact that video conferencing is a very small part of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and how best to mediate online, Fat...

CREA Project's Final Conference
Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the CREA (Conflict Resolution with Equitative Algorithms) consortium are holding their final conference,...

First Case in The Online Court To Be Resolved by Algorithm
ODR history was made this week when a court case, issued in the new Online Civil Money Claims Court for England and Wales, was resolved...